stephen frears movies

Intrigue and sexual menace: Glenn Close and John Malkovich in 1988’s Dangerous Liaisons. Watch Queue Queue Florence Foster Jenkins. Stephen Frears. He has been married to Anne Rothenstein since 1992.

He is a director and producer, known for Dangerous Liaisons (1988), Philomena (2013) and The Queen (2006). 6.8. Learn more about Stephen Frears at with exclusive news, full bio and filmography as well as photos, videos, and more. Gumshoe. IMDb: 6.8 2016 110 min 62 views.

Frears has directed numerous films since the 1980s including My Beautiful Laundrette (1985), Dangerous Liaisons (1988), High Fidelity (2000), The Queen (2006), Philomena (2013), and Florence Foster Jenkins (2016). IMDb: 6.8 2017 112 min 64 views. Victoria & Abdul Sep. 14, 2017. At Home.

Prick Up Your Ears. Stephen Frears was born on June 20, 1941 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England as Stephen Arthur Frears. Queen Victoria strikes up an unlikely friendship with a young Indian clerk named Abdul Karim.

He is a director, known for High Fidelity (2000), The Queen (2006) and Philomena (2013). Drama History. If you feel like heading out, check out other movies in theaters. This video is unavailable. Philomena. Florence Foster Jenkins The Program.

They have two children. Stephen Frears doesn't have any movies playing in theaters. Tamara Drewe. Stephen Frears Director; Producer; Executive Producer “When you’re starting, what you chiefly have is energy and passion and that will go a long way to cover a certain amount of funkiness in how you tell a story. Stephen Arthur Frears (born 20 June 1941) is an English film and television director. 06, 2016. Mrs. Henderson Presents.

Chéri. Stephen Frears. He was previously married to Mary-Kay Wilmers. Florence Foster Jenkins May.

Watch Queue Queue. Lay the Favorite. Great Directors.

Every Stephen Frears film – ranked!

6.8. Victoria & Abdul. Stephen Frears was born on June 20, 1941 in Leicester, Leicestershire, England as Stephen Arthur Frears. Photograph: Allstar/Warner Bros 1 of 10.

But you’re never going to make a film late in your career the way you made it at the beginning and to try to is insane.” Show all (56) Director.

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