george clinton music

Listen to George Clinton on Jango Radio. George Clinton, Category: Artist, Albums: Straight from #1 Bimini Road, George Clinton P-Funk: Live from Metropolis Studios, George Clinton And His Gangsters Of Love, George Clinton And His Gangsters Of Love, T.A.P.O.A.F.O.M.

Politics. Jango is personalized internet radio that helps you find new music based on what you already like. He launched a solo career with the 1982 album Computer Games and would go on to influence 1990s hip … George Edward Clinton is an American singer, songwriter, bandleader, and record producer. 79.9k Followers, 2,951 Following, 1,836 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from George Clinton (@yolikegeorge) Clinton realized that you could play soul and gospel music at the sludgy pace of heavy rock, and he rebranded the Parliaments—who were stuck in a messy contract dispute—as Funkadelic. Unlimited listening, no commercial interruptions! George Edward Clinton (born July 22, 1941) is an American singer, songwriter, bandleader, and record producer. George Clinton (Royal Navy officer) (1686–1761), British colonial governor of Newfoundland and of New York George Clinton (vice president) (1739–1812), Vice President of the U.S. and Governor of New York George Clinton Jr. (1771–1809), U.S. Representative from New York, nephew of Vice President George Clinton George W. Clinton (1807–1885), mayor of Buffalo, New York

His Parliament-Funkadelic collective (which primarily recorded under the distinct band names Parliament and Funkadelic) developed an influential and eclectic form of funk music during the 1970s that drew on science fiction, outlandish fashion, psychedelia, and surreal humor. His Parliament-Funkadelic collective developed an influential and eclectic form of funk music during the 1970s that drew on science fiction, outlandish fashion, psychedelic culture, and surreal humor. George Clinton (né le 22 juillet 1941 à Kannapolis, en Caroline du Nord) est un chanteur et producteur américain, qui est avec James Brown et Sly Stone l'un des pères fondateurs de la musique funk.Il coordonnait les groupes Parliament et Funkadelic pendant les années 1970 et le début des années 1980, de même que quelques productions satellites, avant d'entamer une carrière en solo.

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