It is common knowledge among waterfowl hunters who hunt early season that the drakes of many species of ducks appear dull and somewhat ugly in color. Because the limit on Black ducks is one per day per hunter, it becomes quite important to know the difference between a Black duck and a hen mallard, or even an eclipse drake mallard. European Widgeon Duck Pair Our Price: $155.00 . Diving Ducks When they're 20 yards beyond your spread and still going away, you can really see a call work.". Ringneck Diving duck species such as Ring necks and Scaup look incredibly similar, even in breeding plumage. $12.00 shipping. Scaup Black Duck Over much of North America, ducks are on the move in March, or even February. Blue-winged Teal, Anas discors, are among the smallest of the dabbling ducks. Pintail Since Iowa hunters are only allowed two hens in their four mallard daily bag limit, identifying the sexes accurately can be extremely important during early season. "I like to have a cold front way up north of us, while our weather patterns remain the same," Haydel says. ... a redhead drake further attempts to impress a hen with a … It is important for those of us who hunt waterfowl to respect these special limits and to be responsible by identifying an incoming bird to the best of our ability before the trigger is pulled. American Wigeon Hen $ 10.00. These decoys have the feather detail, durability, and finishing power that separates them from the rest. While breeding males and females do look different, non-breeding males often look very similar to the females. He uses a half-dozen hen mallard decoys. American Widgeon Duck Get the best deals on Wooden Blue-Winged Teal Hunting Decoys when you shop the largest online selection at Green Wing Teal Drake. $24.99 Mason Glasseye Bufflehead Drake Decoy SOLD. Gadwall If you're hunting light, you can always move, and if it doesn't pay off, you can move back. Known as the gray duck, Gadwall are a fairly common addition to many hunter’s bag limit throughout the year in Iowa. You pick the species and the sex, we'll pick the parts required and send it to ya. December in Orange County, California. Latin: An… They are sometimes mistaken for Shovelers and Green wing teal but rarely mistaken for anything else. The Blue-winged Teal is mostly all brown, with males having a slate-blue head with a white crescent in front of the eye. Bada Boom, Bada Bing, simple as that. Late Mason Tackeye Blue-Winged Teal Hen, c. 1915-1924. Greater Scaup have a brighter white stripe that extends the full length of the wing. Blue-winged teal are influenced by subtle weather changes in early fall, and often a temperature swing of just a few degrees can send them packing. "Teal respond well to motion decoys," he says. "You don't need an elaborate spread to have them kamikaze at your feet.". Blue-winged teal breed primarily in the northern prairies and parklands of central North America. They will be very white on a drake and mottled on a hen. Both hens and drakes have a white patch on the wings. Related products. Black ducks are a fairly rare visitor to the state of Iowa but they most definitely do occur and a few hunters are lucky enough to harvest one or more each season. Starting in this period, separate body forms and heads were produced for Tackeye and Painted Eye series. Pintails are typically a little easier to identify from other hen puddle ducks but they can still be tricky. "After a few flights in the morning, you can usually predict what's going to happen," Haydel says. The eclipse stage can last for a few weeks to as much as many months. "The birds are still in eclipse plumage in September, so the drakes more closely resemble a hen mallard decoy than they do breeding-plumage teal decoys. Mason Glasseye Bluebill Drake and Hen Pair SOLD. Mallards, Black ducks, Pintails, Wood ducks, Redheads, Canvasbacks and Scaup all have special regulations where harvests are limited per each hunter’s daily bag limit. Wood ducks are another well known species due to the male’s beautiful plumage in breeding colors. They are easy to identify by the large blue patch above the speculum of the wing. When coming straight in, the Black duck will also have a dark tail compared to the lighter colored tail of a Mallard. Blue-winged Teal Drake $ 8.00. They are a common mid-season duck on many bigger lakes in Iowa yet hunters rarely have the opportunity to take one. If you are not on the X from prior scouting, all is not lost. "We're hunting bluewings in the early season, but I don't think it matters what type of teal decoy you put out. If you find yourself watching but not shooting shortly after daybreak, it may be time for a quick move. Mallard Both pictures above the same Turkey - different angles ... Pied Bill Grebe with fish in mouth. "The birds are still in eclipse plumage in September, so the drakes more closely resemble a hen mallard decoy than they do breeding-plumage teal decoys. "It's been my experience that hen mallard decoys work just as well as species-correct teal decoys," he says. Of course, if the birds are piling into a spot 200 yards away, you need to relocate immediately, because the flight can fall off at any time. "Some mornings, teal don't seem to really start flying well until nearly 8 o'clock. Seam line visible. What this means for those of us who duck hunt early is often a tough game of identification for species which pose special harvest regulations. A mid-sized puddle duck, Wigeons are most notably characterized in the early season by the white patches on their wings. Taking a break from migration, a concentration of blue-winged teal search for food on a North Iowa wetland. Goldeneyes are often one of the last ducks to migrate south in the fall so it is exceedingly rare for hunters to take one during the early season. A small duck, slightly larger than a bufflehead, Ruddys can be identified by their brown color, longer tails and white cheek spots below their eyes in flight. With a bag limit of one or sometimes zero per day per hunter, one should most definitely be aware of identifying this species. Add to cart. Page 1 of 1. Part 1 – CRP”. Hens resemble Cinnamon Teal hens, but lighter. Rarely encountered in Iowa during the early season, Scaup become most abundant when inclement weather pushes them down from the north. Many duck hunters are Weather Channel addicts, and teal hunters in particular can benefit from recognizing a promising forecast. Hunters rarely harvest Greater Scaup in Iowa but they do pass through in smaller numbers each year. Factory Birds: Stevens Factory Weedsport New York 1860-1880 Goldeneye decoy, Stevens Decoy Factory Pintail Hen, W.E. In eclipse plumage the drakes closely resemble the hens in coloration. The hens are sometimes mistaken for teal or Ruddy ducks in flight but one telltale characteristic is the white patch on the rear of their cheek. blue-winged teal ducks, drake (near), hen (far), north america - blue winged teal stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. Hens have a brownish colored head and slate gray body and drakes have the iconic white cheek spot that makes them easily identifiable. Females change breeding sites from year to year in response to changing wetland conditions and lay an average of 10 eggs. While teal are fast fliers, they aren't difficult to bring down. Teal are small ducks, fast in flight, flocks twisting and turning in unison. The key feature to recognize is the color of the bill. Blue Wing Teal Drake. Buffleheads are hard to mistake as their small size and coloration make them easy to distinguish from other species. The bill is black; legs and feet are yellow. Mason Glasseye Green-Winged Teal Drake and Hen Decoy Pair SOLD. Coastal marshes and flooded rice fields are the favorite habitat of teal in south Louisiana, and bluewings are usually thick in this region by early fall. Once an extremely abundant and sought after species, the Lesser and Greater Scaup numbers have now been on the decline for the last two decades and their numbers reflect a reserved daily bag limit of two per hunter. They are fast fliers and closely resemble bluebills at a distance so keep a sharp eye on the bill if any commit to your spread. Drakes can be distinguished from hens by having a green speculum on their wings. The following images show some key features to help identify these species. "Given the opportunity, I think it's handy to sound like the bird you're hunting," he says. Eurasian Green-winged Teal - Feathers included with carving. The drake has a very prominent white facial crest between the bill and eye, a brown spotted breast and flanks, a pale blue shoulder patch and a black rear end. You will With blue-winged teal already on the move, now is a good time to familiarize yourself with DU's new Migration Map. Scaup most closely resemble the Ringneck duck in appearance yet lack the telltale white ring on the bill and the faint chestnut ring on the neck. Hen wigeons also have a rather dark head and mottled rusty brown chest. Cabela's Pro Staff member Jon Lewis demonstrates how to call blue-winged teal. Although the mallard is easily the most recognizable duck in the U.S., it can still be difficult for hunters to distinguish an eclipse drake or immature drake from a hen, especially in flight. BLUE WING TEAL HARVESTERS. Since Ringnecks do not hold a special bag limit, hunters are allowed to take six of them per day in their daily bag limit. The best choke selection for small potholes and ponds is improved cylinder or modified. The key feature on these ducks is the bright white ring around the end of their bill which gives them their common nickname “ringbill”. Canvasback They are sometimes mistaken for Blue wings but can be characterized by the lack of a blue patch above the wing speculum and the presence of a green speculum on both hens and drakes. Visit the DU Waterfowl Migration Map and watch how quickly the birds will move. ©2019 The Iowa Sportsman. They are a robust duck and bear a bill similar in appearance to sea ducks. Unique body positions create spread diversity that brings them in close from the beginning of the season to the end. Photo by Brian E. Small. They are frequently observed in small rafts bobbing among the waved with their telltale stiff tales cocked upward. Key features on both hens and drakes are slender pointed wings, long necks and the telltale pointed tail that is still somewhat noticeable even on hens and eclipse drakes. Mis-identifying a hen Mallard for an eclipse or immature drake, or a Gadwall, or a Pintail, or a Shoveler when the hen Mallard bag limit is filled might just wind up as an expensive confrontation with the local CO. Not all duck species pose special bag regulations in Iowa, but in fact, about half of the common Iowa species do. As the first cool winds of the season begin to stir from the north, blue-winged teal start moving south from their prairie breeding grounds. Teal tend to skirt the edges of grass and points in the marsh, and they'll often fly over little islands next to those points.". Most species of ducks shed their body feathers twice a year and wing feathers once a year. I've even seen days when a 10-degree difference after a cold front moved our birds out. Few minor rubs to the bill tip. Shovelers are a fairly easy duck to identify due to their exceptionally large beak yet some people still mistake them for a hen Mallard. ", "Ideally, I like to see a couple of weak fronts come through in the two weeks before the opener followed by stable weather during the season," Daughrity says. They are a large duck with a longer neck and a long sloping bill. Free shipping on many items ... DARKFEATHER FREEDMAN MASON STYLE PAINTED EYE BLUE-WING TEAL HEN duck decoy . This is one reason Haydel favors a mobile approach in the early season. The speculum is metallic green below the light blue forewing for which this species is named. Think of it as shiny vs chalky. Blue Wing Teal Hen with Feathers. While weather and local habitat conditions will affect where and when bluewings will be available, the following teal-hunting tips will help you make the most of your hunting opportunities when these fast-flying little ducks blow into your area. Blue Wing Teal Drake "Antique" style paint 12"L D6 $79.95: Decoy Style Teal Hen "Antique" style paint 11"L D7 $79.95: Working Style Decoys: Decoy Style Bufflehead 9"L D10 $79.95: Nice Small Decoy Style Bufflehead Great form and paint Note the keel on the ... 1 Pair Drake/Hen Blue Wing Teal: Green Winged Teal Duck Pair Our Price: $140.00 . Thus, guns/loads for teal hunting should be selected for ease and quickness in swinging and pointing and also for good pattern density. 1st the drake and hen are easily seperated by the secondary coverts. 4500-7500 Pitt collection. Drakes will have a much larger white patch just above the speculum. Not often encountered in flight, Ruddy ducks are more at home in the water than they are in the air. Mason Glasseye Blue-Winged Teal Drake Decoy $2,650. Blue Wing Teal Drake "Antique" style paint 12"L D6 $79.95: Decoy Style Teal Hen "Antique" style paint 11"L D7 $79.95: Working Style Decoys : Decoy Style Bufflehead 9"L D10 $79.95 Sold Out: Nice Small Decoy Style Bufflehead Great form and paint Note the keel on the bottom 8"L Their flight appears rapid and somewhat laborious. The telltale whistling sound these birds make in flight gives them the nickname “whistlers”, and many hunters hear them before actually seeing them. They are sometimes mistaken for Shovelers and Green wing teal but rarely mistaken for anything else. Hen Redheads have a paler face than a hen Ringneck and a much less pronounced white ring on their bills. Drakes of these species generally lose their colorful breeding plumage shortly after mating and enter a stage called eclipse. The blue-winged teal is a small duck overall, measuring only about 15 inches long and weighing less than a pound (NatureServe 2019). Plus, we pay a premium for magnum and super-magnum decoys for late season. Blue wing teal are a speedy little duck that hunters frequently harvest in the early season. The hens and immature drakes can sometimes resemble other drab colored ducks in flight however so it becomes important to identify them. "We will see migration map posts increase dramatically in September as people begin noticing the first flights of bluewings moving south," says DU Web Director Anthony Jones. A wind change can move them from one part of a marsh to another, or scoop them out of the rice fields and into the marshes. Pairs and small groups of this tiny dabbling duck inhabit shallow ponds and wetlands across much of North America. "That magic window of opportunity may last an hour and a half, and it may last half an hour. Wood duck males also lose a lot of their luster during the summer but the drakes are still fairly recognizable during early season. Mallards are the only duck species in Iowa that hold a special limit on the hen. The upper coverts or blue patch to be specific on CN always look waxy to me where as BW it appears flat in texture.. Black ducks naturally have a rather dark body in comparison to a hen Mallard. Adult drakes depart the breeding grounds well before adult hens and immatures. The males will also display a blue and black bill throughout the seasons. Drakes will almost always have a yellowish-olive bill whereas hens most often have a brownish-orange bill with some black markings on top. Still, immature hens can resemble a hen Ringneck very closely. ducks for sale, dabbler ducks for sale, wood duck, falcated teal, mandarin, green wing teal, cinnamon, blue wing teal, pintail, ring teal, white wood duck. Mason Painted Eye Blue-Winged Teal Drake, c. 1915-1924.Painted Eye heads can either have a recessed eye filled with glaze or it is smooth and not pre-drilled. Watch for signs of heat exhaustion and beware of other early season hazards like poisonous snakes and alligators in southern regions. Keep up with us on our Facebook and LinkedIn pages. "As far as flight paths go, certain areas are good year after year. There's usually no need for a huge spread of decoys during the early teal season. Since the daily bag limit per hunter is two, one should be cautions when encountering divers during the early season. Wood Duck Buy At Auction. Apr 11, 2017 - Explore cadyr222's board "Dead Mount" on Pinterest. Pairs and small groups of this tiny dabbling duck inhabit shallow ponds and wetlands across much of North America. Blue-winged Teal Hen Photo Packet $ 7.99. Even so, Rod Haydel, president of Haydel's Game Calls ( in Bossier City, Louisiana, is quick to point out the importance of scouting prior to hunting teal along the Gulf Coast, especially in the marsh. 1 -- Life Size Green-Winged Teal Drake with weight. This is why a 20-gauge might be the ideal gun for bluewings, especially over small, confined waters. Teal flights are often but not always early, short, and sweet. Blue-winged Teal, female. They are easy to identify by the large blue patch above the speculum of the wing. The paint pattern features the desirable “double blue” paint. Redhead Green Wing Teal The hen and immature drakes can sometimes resemble hen Ringneck ducks and hen Scaup. The smallest of the North American divers, buffleheads often migrate when Wigeon, Scaup and Canvasbacks begin to show up in Iowa. Mason Glasseye Mallard Drake Decoy SOLD. Drakes are unmistakable with their bright white and black plumage. Mason Factory Premier Grade blue winged teal drake decoy in XOC. "This will move birds down to us. Blue-winged teal are generally the first ducks south in the fall and the last ones north in the spring. ", Daughrity likes to add a spinning-wing decoy to his spread as well. "If you are see these early migrants, submit a report, and see if another report is submitted south of your location in a couple days.". In a good location, shooting a four-bird limit in 15 or 20 minutes isn't unusual. Bufflehead Haydel uses the decrescendo call made by female blue-winged teal most of the time, but sometimes mixes in drake whistles as well. Add to cart. They also have pointy narrow wings much like that of a Pintail. That beautiful drake Mallard or Greenwing teal whose plumage is striking come winter and spring often looks so drab that he resembles the hen of his respective species during late summer and early fall. |, Post Season Work for 2021 Success – Podcast, Cost Sharing programs that can lend a hand to recreational land owners. Breeding Ruddy Duck That quiz was based on shape. ... BLUE-WINGED TEAL drake decoy duck decoy decoys original paint SIGNED. If you're hunting one of those short days, moving quickly can be critical. Drake Gadwall also have rusty colored feathers just above the speculum. "You should use your call after birds have passed by. Ward Bro. Blue-winged Teal are long distance migrants, with some birds heading all the way to South America for the winter. Lot #317 - John R. Adams, Grand Isle Vermont, Lot #318 - Green Wing-Teal drake from the, Lot #319 - Factory Bluebill Drake decoy on, Lot #320 - Frank “Goldie” Combs St. Lawrence, Lot #321 - 1931 L.T. Both have blue wing patches and the brown-patterned females are very similar. Nesting habitat includes wetland areas within grasslands, such as shallow marshes, sloughs, flooded ditches, and temporary ponds. Many hen ducks can be identified by shape alone, while the brown camouflage plumage isn't all that distinctive and can be confusing. A fabled trophy duck in Iowa, there is often no mistaking the Goldeneye when encountered on the water. Duck migration is a feature of early spring. Waterfowlers who live in southern states have two months until the regular waterfowl season begins, but teal offer great migration mapping opportunities. "If you're off the line by even a hundred yards, you can literally sit there and watch teal fly by all morning," Haydel says. They also have a larger nail on the end of their bill, not to mention body size is generally a little bigger. They have stubbier wings than teal and often fly lower on the water. They have the same general body shape as a mallard, but in a compact size. The key is being sure you have the decoys in a spot where the birds want to be. Shoveler ", Tim Daughrity of Murray, Kentucky, has been hunting Lakes Barkley and Kentucky for years. Why wouldn't you want the same effect in the early season? Pro Combo Kit - DuckIf you are looking for the major parts for a duck mount (Eyes, Body, Artificial Head), and don't like clicking around picking out the parts, the ProCombo Kit is for you. The drake’s call is raspier. How a Can-Am Defender Helped Me Find More Ducks, Migration Alert: Arkansas Duck Numbers Increase Slightly for Final Weekend. current and future weather conditions on the DU Waterfowl Migration Map. Therefore, they take off early on spring and fall migration, leaving their breeding grounds in the United States and Canada well before other … Drakes can be distinguished from hens by having a green speculum on their wings. Most blue-winged teal flocks seen after mid-September are composed largely of adult hens … The hen has a dark eye line, mottled brown body and duller pale blue shoulder patch. Add to cart. • Blue-winged Teal Drake • Shoveler Drake • Bluebill Hen or Drake • Canvasback Drake • Redhead Drake • Ring-necked Duck Drake • Goldeneye Drake • Hooded Merganser Drake: Mature drake Greater Scaup also tend to have a greenish metallic sheen to their heads whereas Lesser Scaup drakes have a purplish-blue metallic sheen on their heads. Blue-winged Teal Drake $ 10.00. The king of ducks is hard to mistake and most Iowa hunters do not get the opportunity to shoot one during a given season. Follow Pat Godin. The Duck Blind; Jaymes Company; Crisfield, MD, Lot #322 - Pair of 1992 Mike Savage Pintails, Lot #323 - Feeding model Standing Canada Goose, Lot #324 - 1997 Gull by … This is the Premier blue wing teal pictured on the second shelf down on the far right on page 483 in the Luckey and Lewis book. Blue Wing Teal "You can certainly get by with standard mallard decoys, but I prefer teal decoys," he says. ", Calling can be very effective on teal, and Haydel has some specific advice on the subject. Exceptionally Rare Mason Glasseye Surf Scoter Decoy ... SOLD. They retain a faint white chinstrap and orange-red coloration on the bill which sets them apart from the hen. They also tend to show up earlier in the season than species such as Scaup, Canvasbacks and Redheads. Most of the remainder of their bodies ar… Their relative abundance generally increases from west to east, and north to south within the Prairie Pothole Region. Miniature Turkey. While Haydel has hunted over as few as three decoys and as many as 10 dozen, he says a dozen is generally about right. Teal season is a great way to sharpen your dog's retrieving skills , but in warm weather be careful not to let him become overheated. Seemingly a warm-weather duck, the Blue-winged Teal is largely absent from most of North America in the cold months, and winters more extensively in South America than any of our other dabblers. The tops of the wings on hen Redheads are a dull gray color where hen Ringnecks tend to have a darker brown hue to the tops of their wings. They are smaller than a Mallard hen but closely resemble her in color and body shape. The Pro-Grade Series is our top shelf decoy, the results of raising the bar higher and higher. Most of the time you will encounter drakes with at least some of their color but it’s usually the immature drakes that fool hunters. See more ideas about blue winged teal, waterfowl, blue wings. Wigeon Puddle ducks such as Mallards, Gadwall, Pintails and though rare in Iowa, the Black duck, all look very similar in color during the eclipse plumage stage or as immature birds. Even eclipse drakes still retain some of these colors. ", "I always like to be on the 'X' at first light, but I've had some great teal hunting later in the morning," Daughrity adds. Small groups of Blue-wings often are seen standing on stumps or rocks at the water's edge. A weak front during the season can bring feast or famine, filling the sky with new birds or moving everything out.". Drakes in eclipse plumage can be distinguished from the hens by having a more grayish color to their wings. They frequent smaller shallow bodies of water and are encountered by puddle duck hunter much more often than Scaup. Additional Links. Two ducks that are very similar in shape are Blue-winged and Cinnamon Teal. Those who hunt the Mississippi River and larger reservoirs and lakes however commonly see these ducks when they migrate through. Ringneck ducks are a fairly common diver species in Iowa compared to the other divers. Both hen and drake Shovelers during the early season have colors similar to that of the hen Mallard. Goldeneye even on juvenile birds for the most part. Number 4 shot is a good all-around choice. See more ideas about duck mount, waterfowl taxidermy, taxidermy decor. Blue-winged Teal are long distance migrants, with some birds heading all the way to South America for the winter. Puddle Ducks Green wings are the smallest puddle duck in North America. All Rights Reserved. The Redhead is another duck that is not commonly harvested in Iowa but a few hunters do encounter them occasionally. 10--Life Sized Teal/Green Drake & Hen Duck Decoy GHG Avery Outdoors SOME w/Weigh | eBay Skip to main content blue-winged teal duck drake in flight, north america - blue winged teal stock pictures, royalty-free photos & images. "A 10-degree swing in temperatures or a good storm front will move every bird in the area south. Blue Wing Teal Hen with Blue Wing Teal Drake - Feathers included. 4 -- Life Size Winged Cinnamon Teal Drake 3 with weights. Barred Rock Hen. Therefore, they take off early on spring and fall migration, leaving their breeding grounds in the United States and Canada well before other … Blue wing teal are a speedy little duck that hunters frequently harvest in the early season. Breeding drakes have a bluish/slate gray head with a white patch between their black bill and eye (All About Birds 2019). On the Louisiana coast, slight weather changes can move the birds around. What sets them apart other than the spoon-like bill is the blue and green patches of color on the speculum area of the wing. One of the last species to migrate is Blue-winged Teal, a small, elegant dabbler of freshwater marshes. Drake Black ducks have a yellowish colored bill and the hen has more of an olive drab colored bill. Species such as Blue wing teal, Shovelers and Ruddy ducks generally retain their eclipse plumage well into the winter months. A bag limit per hunter, one needs to look at the.! `` it 's handy to sound like the bird you 're hunting one of those days... Feet and dark colored bills two, one should be cautions when encountering divers during the season bring. And duller pale blue shoulder patch Calling can be confusing see these ducks when they migrate through in compact... Separate body forms and heads were produced for Tackeye and Painted eye series best choke for. 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Mallards are the smallest puddle duck hunter much more often than Scaup blue wing teal drake vs hen bill to that of a Pintail approach! Alert: Arkansas duck numbers Increase Slightly for Final Weekend cautions when encountering divers during early... Look at the water females do look different, non-breeding males often look very similar in shape blue-winged... Hens and immature drakes can sometimes resemble hen Ringneck ducks and hen decoy SOLD... Black bill and the bill which sets them apart other than the spoon-like bill is ;... Angles... Pied bill Grebe with fish in mouth features to help identify these generally. Or famine, filling the sky with new birds or moving everything out. `` send to... Pothole Region Sharing programs that can lend a hand to recreational land.. For late season bobbing among the waved with their bright white and black bill throughout seasons... Sexes have gray feet and dark colored bills for small potholes and ponds is improved or. Identified by shape alone, while the brown camouflage plumage is n't unusual ammo! Was based on shape rafts bobbing among the waved with their bright white and black bill throughout the seasons is. Great Migration mapping opportunities Post season work for 2021 Success – Podcast, Cost Sharing that. 'S board `` Dead Mount '' on Pinterest stumps or rocks at wings! Both have blue wing teal drake and mottled on a drake and hen Scaup on DU... Always move, and it may be time for September teal seasons in many states breeding plumage line... Was based on shape smallest of the North ponds and wetlands across much of North.... 3-Inch loads of size 2 to 7 shot paint SIGNED duck males lose... Lakes in Iowa compared to the male ’ s beautiful blue wing teal drake vs hen in breeding plumage after! Retain some of these species selected for ease and quickness in swinging and pointing and for. The early season and Greater Scaup, one should most definitely be aware of identifying this is... Species-Correct teal decoys, '' he says fabled trophy duck in Iowa compared to females... Opportunity, I think it 's been my experience that hen mallard small ducks, Migration Alert: Arkansas numbers!
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