If you’ve ever seen those ridiculous videos of people in foreign countries, walking around with enormous balloon arms and shoulders. He grew up in California. The sad reality is that some bodybuilders have been known to go to extreme lengths to achieve their goals and unfortunately have lost their lives along the way. + MORE Some people, however, have been known to abuse Synthol and take it too far. He is the winner of events like the NPC Contra Costa and the NPC California State Bodybuilding, Figure & Bikini Championships. After using his research chemicals, he would then inject 4iu’s growth hormone before cooking breakfast. Bostin Loyd is quickly becoming the poster child, or maybe the mascot, for guys who take huge amounts of gear and give zero F's about it. To openly and honestly discuss his steroid cycles and his past steroid use. Only bodybuilder i know personally that lost a kidney was due to taking too many diuretics. Just leave our email to get access to our best content (get the nutrition and training info you need to achieve your goals.). Based on Ron's info, Bostin said he knew he did some stupid stuff and now has to live with the consequences. An amateur bodybuilder with growing internet following, Bostin Loyd is a young man who is a firm believer in using PEDs in his pursuit of gaining more size and muscle. Is Dana Linn Bailey On Steroids? The NPC and IFBB and all the supplement companies involved in bodybuilding are really ruining the sport. He consults with clients on longevity, cognitive enhancement, genome analysis, nutrigenomics, supplementation, and living a healthful lifestyle. Bostin Loyd In Episode 5 of GEAR’D UP we have Youtube Phenom BOSTIN LOYD sit down with us as he gives us his thoughts on todays bodybuilding pharmacology and holds nothing back! Last update: 2020-29-10 09:31 Bostin Loyd knows this well and has put his body to the test, utilizing a number of substances to enhance his physique over the years. GainzCast #30 - Is CrossFit Still Popular? He's been published on many influential websites such as lifehack.org, Wealthy Gorilla, Good Men Project and more. The content of this article is based purely on speculation on our part and should not be taken as gospel truth. Login with username, password and session length. Some people love him and consider him to be a breath of fresh air. After Bostin Loyds video talking about his excessive steroid use, James gives his tongue in cheek, candid insight, into steroid use. Let’s face it, most pros are almost certainly doing anyways. Bostin Loyd was born on March 29, 1992 (age 28) in Los Angeles, California, United States He is a celebrity bodybuilder Reference: Wikipedia, FaceBook, Youtube, Twitter, Spotify, Instagram, Tiktok, IMDb. But rather through his openness about his steroid use. It’s very refreshing, therefore, to come across a bodybuilder who is clearly on steroids. Growing up in California he knew what it took to be a bodybuilder, even from a young age. Now, despite bodybuilding being clearly synonymous with steroid use, most bodybuilders can’t stop talking quickly enough when the topic is brought up. However, what surprised a lot of people, was that he also admitted to using Synthol. He’d inject 3cc’s of Synthol directly into his triceps and deltoids. Contest Prep Plan 16 Weeks. The Ms. Olympia Cycle, Shawn Rhoden Steroids – Building Mr. Olympia. One of the nicest things said to me by Robert Kennedy ... Only bodybuilder i know personally that lost a kidney was due to taking too many diuretics. Next → Bostin Winning The NPC Contra Costa Show, The Year After Kali Muscle Won As the sport of bodybuilding began to change, Bostin found himself falling out of love with the sport. Now, Synthol is basically a filler oil in which bodybuilders have been known to inject into certain body parts to help fill out gaps in their physique to make them appear more symmetrical and aesthetic. Followed up with the famous “ASK ADAM” Segment. While the rest of their bodies look normal, this is almost certainly because of Synthol abuse. Even though he didn’t name any other bodybuilders, judging by his physique and how he looked, if he was on steroids, surely the guys as big as him, or bigger even, were also on steroids. give him less than 5 years, Getbig Bodybuilding, Figure and Fitness Forums, Quote from: joswift on January 20, 2021, 06:03:47 AM, Quote from: sway on January 20, 2021, 11:27:26 AM, Quote from: WalterWhite on January 20, 2021, 12:28:46 PM, Quote from: ThisisOverload on January 20, 2021, 01:47:22 PM, Quote from: Taffin on January 20, 2021, 01:19:17 PM, Quote from: ElPolloSalmonello on January 20, 2021, 05:48:02 PM, Quote from: Van_Bilderass on January 20, 2021, 07:49:01 PM, Quote from: Bevo on January 20, 2021, 07:52:35 PM, Quote from: Van_Bilderass on January 20, 2021, 08:20:54 PM, Quote from: ThisisOverload on January 20, 2021, 01:05:24 PM, Quote from: Van_Bilderass on January 20, 2021, 05:23:19 AM, Quote from: gib on January 20, 2021, 11:59:35 PM, Quote from: MAXX on January 21, 2021, 01:25:26 AM. Ok, but what about all his devoted "followers" that followed his advice on extreme use? He competed in 3 shows in a very short period of time and damaged his kidneys. Bostin Loyd, the Boston bodybuilder with the growing popularity of his internet site, is a young man who firmly believes in using PED in pursuit of acquiring a larger size and musculature. He was born in 1992, on March 29, so he has recently turned 27 years of age. 33 votes, 80 comments. After injecting the peptides, he’d have his post-workout shake, and then as soon as he got home. But they are also extremely dangerous and can potentially be fatal. And you’ll find out why a little later on. What are your thoughts on ABTV, What can we do Better? Bodybuilders in general, however, are often in search of the perfect physique. I’ve made a decision because I do need to get back onstage eventually to get my credibility back, so I will be switching over to NABBA. He started as just a teenager competing at 15 years old, and he has admitted to using steroids since he was in high school. Listen to Bostin Loyd Kidney Failure?! Needless to say, this is one of many reasons why there is a stigma associated with steroid use and discussion. Bostin was trained by Dave Palumbo, a former amateur bodybuilder who became famous for ‘Palumboism’ thanks to his severely atrophied physique. It sounds like he's always been that way, so why ever take up high level bodybuilding? Not surprisingly, it wasn’t long before he was pumping iron in the gym and lifting weights, and he found himself competing soon after. Remember, he was prepping for a show, so the idea was to cut and burn fat while preserving muscle. 1.4m members in the bodybuilding community. This was extremely dangerous, but as he states, he didn’t know what he was doing and he wouldn’t recommend that anybody do what he did. Bostin Lloyd and Kidney Failure in Bodybuilders| Ask the Anabolic Doc. American bodybuilder who is notable for being one of the first competitive bodybuilders to publicly disclose his steroid regimen. He was, after all, in the perfect environment to be bodybuilding and packing on muscle mass. Bostin Loyd is a hugely controversial figure in the world of bodybuilding. Also consumed high amounts of meat. bostin35@gmail.com Facebook Most people assumed he’d be talking about supplements and would talk about things like whey protein, creatine, and BCAAs. He also stated that he would inject himself with peptides directly into the leg, in the middle of the day in the middle of the parking lot outside of the gym because peptides were legal. Bostin, however, went on record to state that Dave had no idea he was on steroids, as he was purely in charge of his diet. June 24, 2019. acp 10577 Ryan Russo. Bostin, however, believes that he was right to make the video because he educated a lot of people, including naïve bodybuilders who believed that. Untold Truth Epidose #4 - YouTube Okay, so I have to say I watched his whole video I wish he wouldn't swear because it just makes him sound stupid. Well, to give you something interesting to read about. Also in the video, Bostin stated that he was around 265 pounds 12 weeks out and that he was out of shape. Bostin Loyd Kidney Failure?! Leo is driven by a passion for improving human performance and longevity. He is one of the world’s very first pro bodybuilders in the public eye. May 9, 2019. arach update ... Youtube: Vimeo Snapchat . Stage 5 kidney failure and still running gear, considering at-home dialysis. They say that any publicity is good publicity. The title of this article is ‘Is Bostin Loyd on steroids’? Rich Piana is one of the most well-known bodybuilding/fitness celebrities on social media and in the supplement world. Early Life Experience of Bostin Loyd. I ran across Rich a good while back and just recently got a suggestion for Bostin, I really admire there … Bostin decided to move away from bodybuilding and look for other avenues of earning a living within the industry. Published March 27, 2016 at 480 × 360 in Bostin Loyd Anabolic Steroids Transformation. Recently on his new podcast “Non Fraudulent Bodybuilding Podcast”, Bostin Loyd revealed that he has stage 5 kidney failure. We’re going to look at Bostin and what he has to say about steroid use. Now it appears that his methods are coming back to haunt him. The purpose of this article is purely to educate and inform. Like him or hate him, you have to admire him for being open and honest. Bostin knew that he wasn’t in love with bodybuilding, and he knew that he needed a way out. Dan. Anvarol is a legal alternative to Anavar. Bostin Loyd Scoffs at Self Induced Kidney Failure | Why Mental illness in Bodybuilding is So Common. In 2013, Bostin created a YouTube video in which he openly and honestly admitted to using anabolic-androgenic steroids. I think Bostin was also was using DNP on and off. He launched his own clothing line entitled 3CC clothing. He also stated that he was taking 1500mgs of Test, along with 800mgs of Deca Durabolin, 800mgs of Equipoise, along with 4ius of insulin and peptides. He became a certified trainer and nutritionist and he helped countless athletes in their quest for the perfect physique. That's interesting that Dave called himself a health marker nut. Other people, however, consider him to be a drug cheat and a sell-out. Detailed 16 Week Prep Plan including everything to ensure your in your best shape come show day- Detailed diet, training program, and supplement protocols from start to finish- This plan includes unlimited contact via email and as many check ins as needed to make sure you are completely dialed in for your show (very involved and extensive plan) I will … To the amazement, and outrage of many bodybuilders and people in the industry, however, he instead spoke for almost 30 minutes on the anabolic steroid stack that he used to get so big and muscular. Naturally, a 5ft 10-inch man could build 300 pounds of solid muscle naturally, without the use of steroids. Bostin, however, went on record to state that Dave had no idea he was on steroids, as he was purely in charge of his diet. He stated that, if he was training chest because your delts and triceps are activated during the workout, he would inject the delts and tris with Synthol. Bostin Loyd and Tyler Woosley talk about Steroids & Drugs in bodybuilding Team3cc – Bostin Loyd. Some people claimed that he was very brave for openly admitting to using steroids and doing what many others just like him almost certainly did. About Bostin Loyd. Both of Bostin’s parents were bodybuilders, as is his partner Ariella Palumbo. Some will use the classic method of deflecting the question by stating that they ‘used steroids once’ many years ago and that they didn’t like how they made them feel. And yes, that 3CC is a deliberate steroid-related pun. 37.2k Followers, 669 Following, 598 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bostin Loyd (@team3ccbostin) Suddenly, rather than appreciating a person’s physique, a bodybuilder was instead judged on who he was endorsing and which supplements he was allegedly using to get to where he needed to be. Today we’re talking about is Bostin Loyd on steroids. Matt with a whopping 6 posts in rapid succesion. In fact, there is no such thing as perfection as it is all subjective. Whereas in the early days it was all about building a world-class physique and bettering yourself. Also in the video, Bostin stated that he was around 265 pounds 12 weeks out and that he was out of shape. He received a ton of criticism from the NPC and athletes competing in the NPC, but the video got people talking, and it got them talking about Bostin Loyd. Now, after he released the video, he started to receive a lot of attention. In the above Throwback video, Bostin Loyd just “casually” injecting steroids and Synthol on camera for “educational purposes” on Youtube, while wearing a “100% Natural Grade A Beef” tee throughout the whole fiasco. The whole BB world is about steroids, 80% roids 20% diet and training, they want you to think they have great genetics, which they dont, i do agree you need to work hard and diet, its the same in Pro athletes, Olympics etc, it all comes down to money, that's why people don't admit or talk about it. StrongChap.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for website owners to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon(.com, .co.uk, .ca etc) and any other website that may be affiliated with Amazon Service LLC Associates Program. Even Dave Palumbo, Bostin’s former coach, pretends to be flabbergasted when Bostin Loyd discusses his dosages. Reda is an ACE Certified Nutritionist, Brazilian jiu-jitsu purple belt and bodybuilder with 11 years of experience. We could go on and on about the infamous video, but it’s probably best for you to simply watch it yourself. Brandon Curry sets sights on 2021 Arnold + Bostin Loyd Kidney Failure + 2021 Olympia Competitors Hafthor Vs Steven Fight Results + Eddie Hall Reacts to Thor's Comments + Big Ramy Celebrity Collab Thor's First Fight + Big Ramy 2013 VS 2020 + Julius Maddox 820lbs + Steve Kuclo Banned? ?. He competed and won a number of shows, including many NPC shows. So, long story short, Bostin Loyd and Rich Piana went war against each other on YouTube, while the former kept his content entirely on how Rich Piana was a true unprofessional, Rich attacked Bostin’s integrity by bringing up ‘dick pics’ matter. Bostin found that as more and more divisions started popping up, promoters started growing greedy and saw bodybuilding purely as a way of making money through sponsorships and supplements. that being said I think I was all wrong about what it takes to be a pro! 42.7k Followers, 669 Following, 1,993 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Ariella Palumbo (@apalumbo91) Youtube Video » bostin loyd scoffs at self induced kidney failure why mental illness in bodybuilding is so common . Bostin Loyd On Steroids - The Truth Exposed. No signup or install needed. 3. Loyd is a true believer in the notion that bodybuilding has less to do about genetics and more to do with nutrition and performance enhancers. Dan. Which he took post-workout and right before he went to sleep. Any Other Social Page we should have a look at ? In his household, life was very simple as it revolved around the mantra of eat-train-sleep and repeat. There were people in the industry wanting to kick his ass, as well as complete strangers and online trolls literally threatening his life. Bostin Loyd's diet and training routine (from his FB) I just took out his juice cycle out since we don't talk bout dat dare here but you can find it on Bostin's FB page Here is is fellas...i wrote this from scratch last night....i will up food portions and drugs accordingly...training always stays the same i just lift heavier for the rep ranges as i get stronger 8 pages about a veritable kid who has done zippo in bodybuilding except act stupid. And the answer to that question is yes because he’s already openly admitted it. As it is still currently out there and can be found online very easily. Rich Piana & Bostin Loyd; Coryh11 • Thu, May 1st, '14 12:00 • 42 replies, 8941 views; Have any of you ever watched either of these guys on youtube ? BUT, being "Bostin Loyd" human drug experiment, provided him with a mini-cult following on social media. One such athlete was a youngster named Bostin Loyd. Loyd sincerely believes that bodybuilding has less in common with genetics and is more associated with nutrition and performance enhancers. Others claimed he was an idiot because of the drugs he was taking and the way in which he took them. Growing up in California, Piana was exposed … The steroid cycle was a 12-week, pre-contest cycle as he prepped for a show. And others were outraged at the fact that he was blowing the whistle on other steroid users. Bostin Loyd estimated Net Worth, Biography, Age, Height, Dating, Relationship Records, Salary, Income, Cars, Lifestyles & many more details have been updated below.He and Rich Piana are both NPC California champions. And YouTube Boxing?! Whether that is true or not is neither here nor there. Out of respect, we won’t be naming any names because we aren’t aware of all of the facts but recently there have been several young bodybuilders with their lives ahead of them. Bostin, however, created a YouTube video in which he discussed his ‘stack’. It improves your strength and energy by stimulating phosphocreatine synthesis within your muscle tissue. Scroll below and check more details information about Current Net worth as well as Monthly/Year Salary, … In the infamous video, Bostin admitted to injecting Synthol into various body parts, depending on what muscle group he was training on which specific day. He would use Clen once in the morning and once at night. Openly and honestly talking about something that. The truth is, Dave was a massive abuser of bodybuilding drugs back in the late 90’s and he’s just bullshitting you by acting like Bostin is some kind of extremist. His parents actively encouraged him to get involved in sports, health, and fitness, and that’s precisely what he did. GainzCast #31 and thirty-six more episodes by GainzCast, free! One such athlete was a youngster named Bostin Loyd. He was basically experimenting with what worked and didn’t work with his body. He developed his own supplement line, he founded RX-Muscle. In short, as per him ,people with small dick have no right to boast about anything in their lives! The amount of juice he injects into himself is almost appalling and staggering, but Loyd is all in and showing his true followers what it takes to become … how old is Bostin Loyd? Whether that is true or not is neither here nor there. When asked if they are on steroids, most bodybuilders will nervously look at the floor and quietly claim that they are natural. Let's check, How Rich is Bostin Loyd in 2020-2021? He decided to do something that very few pro bodybuilders had ever done before, nor will they be likely to do again, and that is to discuss steroid use. Talk about being open with yourself and the public, Bostin has literally no regard for the norm or haters out there. News, articles, personal pictures, videos & advice on everything related to … Dave may not have made waves on stage, but he certainly proved he knew his stuff afterward. He openly admitted to using steroids and spoke about the cycle he was running, as well as admitting to using Synthol. This drew negative attention to the sport, especially because of how the media demonized steroids, and he received a ton of hate online. It’s quite sad when the only thing cared about is making money and one upping someone else, it just gets really corrupt. We do not condone nor recommend the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids. GainzCast #31. Competitive bodybuilders will seemingly stop at nothing in order to achieve their goals and attain the ultimate physique. youtube steroid star Bostin Loyd shows what it takes to maintain that.. This article is titled is Bostin Loyd on steroids, which we already knew the answer to, because he has openly admitted to being on gear. That is more than happy to openly talk about the cycle they’re running and their past steroid use. Bostin grew up with bodybuilding in his veins. He used on-cycle support in the form of Arimidex. That sadly lost their lives through, what many people believe to be steroid and drug abuse. Let’s learn a little more about Bostin and how he got to where he’s at today. One person’s idea of perfection could be somebody else’s idea of hell. As well as the ‘research chemicals’ Bostin claimed he used. Born in late 1971 in California, he would be 45 years old as of this article publication in 2017. saw his interview with rx muscle. Bostin Loyd is at it again, just causally injecting steroids and synthol on camera for "educational purposes" on Youtube. First, I thought that genetics was the biggest role and it … How did you find us? YouTube Video » kidney failure fouad abiad ameen alai non fraudulent bodybuilding podcast 1 w bostin loyd Some would argue that he has made a name for himself in bodybuilding circles, not from his physique, his diet, or his training regime. He stated that, as he approached the show, he would taper some drugs down, and some drugs up, depending on where he needed to be. He states that he would wake up in the morning and have a wide range of ‘research chemicals’ already laid out neatly on his desk. It is also one of the main reasons why bodybuilders are so reluctant to openly discuss steroid use. So his household was the perfect environment for people looking to pack muscle onto their bodies and get in shape. He took tons of orals, diuretics, + clen. Before we can start learning more about Bostin and his apparent steroid use, we need to clear something up. He competed in 3 shows in a very short period of time and damaged his kidneys. Needless to say, bodybuilding is in his blood and is clearly a passion of his. In his latest video, he heads to the post office to pick up a special package. But it’s certainly refreshing to have a bodybuilder in the public eye. Yes, you heard that right. This is the official website of tell all bodybuilder and personal trainer Bostin Loyd, If you want to know the truth about bodybuilding this is the place. , that 3CC is a stigma associated with nutrition and performance enhancers being. Stage, but he certainly proved he knew that he was, after all, in the industry – Mr.! Out of shape whereas in the public eye believes that bodybuilding has less in common with genetics and is on. First pro bodybuilders in the video, but what about all his devoted `` ''. Fouad abiad ameen alai Non Fraudulent bodybuilding podcast ”, Bostin created a youtube video in which discussed. About anything in their quest for the perfect physique followers '' that followed advice... 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